This is the monthly newsletter on public affairs sent by ESTRO to national societies
This is the ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter: a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
This issue of the newsletter is dedicated to Delivering Patient Value Throughout the Healthcare System
Focus of the month

Happening Across Europe at a glance
Other news
  • EU Medical Device Group calls for clarity on expert panels under the medical devices regulation
  • Colorectal cancer screening in Europe needs to improve! 
  • Innovative solutions in health care
  • Outcomes-based health care : the ECCO- CODE report 
  • Calls for Proposals 


"Active Citizens & Patients' Rights"


The Patients Rights Day was celebrated this month at the European Parliament with joint meeting co-hosted at the European institutions 9 and 10 April in two parts on the topic of “Delivering patient value throughout the healthcare system.”

In a first part: a multi-stakeholder panel discussion convening experts, MEPs, patients, and citizens together to discuss the citizen perspective and patient rights issues in the European community through  A debate on citizens’ expectations.”

The panel questioned whether enough is being done at the European level to facilitate access to health promptly also looking at inequalities across the European neighborhood. The panelists discussed the topic in light of the European Charter of Patients’ Rights (ERPD) launched in 2002, addressing :


  1. Fundamental rights
  2. 14 rights of the patient
  2. Right of ACCESS
  3. Right to INFORMATION
  4. Right to CONSENT
  5. Right to FREE CHOICE
  9. Right to SAFETY
  10. Right to INNOVATION
  13. Right to COMPLAIN
  14. Right to COMPENSATION
  1. The right of active citizenship


In the second part: the dialogue focuses onDigital Health and Personalised Medicine.” The increased digitalisation in health care is seen as a key factor in addressing universal healthcare systems internationally, taking into account, socio-economic benefits and innovative approaches to deliver lasting results, with efficient and impactful results to the best benefit of patients. 

                                DG SANTE's annual work programme for 2019  

Implementing the Third Programme of the EU's work in the field of health (2014-2020) DG SANTE sets out the priorities and actions for 2019. It aims to address the issue of health inequalities across sectors with focus on core-priorities : cross-border health threats, country specific and inter-country knowledge, prevention and non-communicable diseases. The actions will invest resources in the promoting validated best practices and digitally enabled integrated person-centered care.

Specific actions covered in the overall budgetary allocation reserved for procurement contracts include the EU's Clinical Trial portal and database, EU Health Technology Assessment (HTA) cooperation, Digital Transformation of Health and Care in the Digital Single Market, knowledge sharing, assessment of healthcare providers and evaluation systems related to the European Reference Networks, and raising awareness of medical devices.  

"Digitalizing health systems is a key component in achieving universal health coverage, which is based on the belief that all people should have access to the health services they need – including disease prevention, health promotion, rehabilitation and palliative care – without the risk of financial ruin or impoverishment. In this context, digital health has an important role to play in improving the reach, impact and efficiency of modern health care and in delivering patient-centered services"

- Zsuzsanna Jakab, Director of the World Health Organisation's Regional Office for Europe
Opening key note speech in the framework of Health Systems in the European Regions (Copenhagen 6-8 February 2019)
Happening across Europe at a glance

DENMARK >> wants to exploit the full potential of Artificial Intelligence. “We must work to ensure that AI solutions can contribute with everyday life, both for doctors and nurses, where it makes sense,” Health Minister Ellen Trane Nørby said in a statement. On March 14, Denmark launched the new national strategy for artificial intelligence.

>> Headed by the Danish Medicines Agency, The European Clinical Trials Groups published a set of recommendations on how to conduct complex clinical trials for personalised medicines in the EU. The Danish Health ministry explains that the guidelines outlines how to assess side-effects, the safety of trial subjects and the transparency of data.
Read more here

GERMANY >> the provision of care will be faster and more digital from may onwards. A new legislation will serve to reduce waiting times and provide medical appointments faster for users in the statutory health insurance system. It is expected to come into effect May 2019 Read more here
ITALY >> A group of Italian researchers (National Cancer Institute, Milan) has created an algorithm to select patients who could be most responsive to anticancer therapy, avoiding ineffective therapies and unnecessary side effects. Read more here
The NETHERLANDS >> is taking a stand against high drug process for cancer and rare diseases Read more here
POLAND >> signs a memorandum of understanding to boost cancer care. Health Minister Łukasz Szumowski signed a memorandum of understanding last week with the US Medical Research Agency, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, to start cooperation and boost high-quality oncology care in Poland Read more


EU Medical Device group calls for clarity on expert panels under the medical devices regulation


The Medical Devices Coordination group (MDCG) urges clarification of an article in the new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR)   covering criteria for exemption of devices from involvement with expert panels.  The MDCG aims to enforce the new medical device and in-vitro diagnostic regulations in all Member States. According to the MDCG it is not clear whether Article 54(2)b should apply to products already marketed under old directives or uniquely under MDR. 

Read more

Colorectal Cancer Screening in Europe needs to improve!   

In  a white paper on colorectal cancer screening, published by the Digestive Cancer Europe Group reports that only three members states (France, Ireland and Slovenia) have organised formal population-based colorectal cancer screening programmes for citizens between 50 and 74 years old. The white paper highlights that healthcare providers and health system barriers still hinder the progress of screening programmes. 

In conjunction with the release of the white paper, the Digestive Cancer Europe Group also released the Roadmap for Colorectal Cancer Screening. 

Read more
Innovative solutions in healthcare

The panel for Future of Science and Technology (STOA) discusses the outcomes of the Technology Assessment study "innovative solutions in health care." Dr. Denis Lacombe, Director General of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) highlights the challenges of how to integrate clinical research into healthcare to improve the quality of life and/or survival of patients.

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Outcomes based health care : the new ECCO-CODE report  

On March the 20, the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) and the collaboration for Oncology Data (CODE) presented the report of the ECCO-CODE Roundtable "Building the Roadmap to Outcomes-Based Cancer care".  Specifically, they call for coordination of innovation across oncology stakeholders and building a focused strategy to achieve systematic outcomes measurement, including the requirements for quality cancer care and direct engagement with payers on pragmatic outcomes acceptability. 

Calls for Proposals 
PCP Pre-Commercial Procurement: Innovation Procurement: Next generation sequencing (NGS) for routine diagnosis deadline: 16 April 2019
SC1-DTH-01-2019: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after cancer treatment deadline April 24 2019

IMI2-RIA Research and Innovation action: Open access chemogenomics library and chemical probes for the druggable genome.Stage 1 deadline: 25 April 2019
RIA Research and Innovation action: Improving low-dose radiation risk appraisal in medicine deadline 25 September 2019
CSA Coordination and support action: Research roadmap for medical applications of ionising radiation deadline: 25 September 2019
RIA Research and Innovation action: Further integrating Radiation Protection research in the EU deadline: 25 September 2019
CSA Coordination and support action: Optimised use of European research reactors deadline: 25 September 2019
RIA Research and Innovation action: Optimised fuels for production of medical radioisotopes deadline: 25 September 2019

For a list calls on the topics under the Euratom Research and Training Programme click here.
If you have any questions  please contact Gabriella Axelsson
ESTRO Public Affairs Project Manager
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