"Beating Cancer: Mission Possible.
Towards Effective Cancer Control in Europe"
- The MEPs Against Cancer (MAC) Group's Electoral Manifesto
On 29 January 2019, the European MEPs Against cancer announced its’ motion by the electoral manifesto
for effective cancer control in Europe. Ahead of the election in 23-26
May 2019, six MEPs: Alojz Peterle (Slovenia, EPP) , MEP Pavel Poc
(Czech Republic, S&D), MEP Biljana Borzan (Croatia, S&D), MEP
José Inacio Faria (Portugal, EPP), MEP Dubravka Suica (Croatia, EPP) and
MEP Lieve Wierinck (Belgium, ALDE), met in Brussels and signed the
manifesto reinforcing the MEPs commitment to collaborate on improving
cancer treatment in Europe.
Some of the initiatives continue to support the prevention, early diagnosis and equal access.
For example, new diagnostic tools and treatments, such as biological
antibody medicines and cancer screening. Next to prevention, the MAC
group backs the focus on unmet medical needs. More
notably, the increase in the investment of cancer research and filling
the gaps of commercially-driven research to ensure:
- the safe return of investment and enhancing the use of the European Reference Networks for rare oncological disorders
- closer collaboration in horizon scanning of emerging medical technologies
- core measures for increased efficiency in cancer research and treatment
process of innovative technologies should be secured. MEP Lieve
Wierinck, also host of several ESTRO events at the European
Parliament, particularly emphasised her unwavering engagement to
bringing clinical research and innovation to patients with focusing on
the quality of life pointers in clinical studies.
The MAC group calls for patient empowerment in the decision-making
process on issues linked to their treatment and quality of life with the
aim that the EU will be a global leader in the fight against cancer.
Priority will be given to measures aiming to improve the health of all
population groups, inclusive the most vulnerable ones.
The European Parliament Panel STOA &
EORTC manifesto
EP panel on the future of Science and Technology (STOA) and the
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
launched at a meeting on the 10 January, the “innovative solutions for research in healthcare“
Key elements in the delivery of innovation in rare diseases and cancer
treatment are identified as data collection and mapping, such as genome
editing for rare diseases and multiple targeted treatments for cancer.
Also, the existing disconnection between the digital revolution and the
regulatory environment (e.g. the GDPR regulation). The manifesto
includes the following six recommendations to facilitate the paradigm
1) Appropriate use of treatments for optimizing
patients' health outcomes and preserving public
healthcare budgets
2) Treatment Optimisation has to take place early
3) Treatment Optimisation must cover all treatment
options and modalities available for a given
medical condition
4) Member states and payers should support the Treatment Optimisation at a relevant scale
5) Treatment Optimisation will benefit from new models of partnership
6) Treatment Optimisation will support industry competitiveness and reputation
The manifesto will be circulated to Member States. Policy asks that will be further discussed at EU level include the following:
- Europe in partnership with Member States should establish treatment optimisation as an official and mandatory step
- National
legislation should include provision allowing for publicly funded
international research to address collective therapeutic challenges
- The EU's next Horizon programme should support treatment optimisation
The Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME)
The CPME group has also announced its’ electoral manifesto
confirming their commitment to the access of medicines and the
continued investment in health and training of healthcare providers.
Emphasis is placed on promoting trust in the sharing of health data to
advance medical research and development, and in compliance with the
basic ethical standards and patients’ rights.