is the ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter: a monitoring service offered by
ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep
up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
This issue of the newsletter is dedicated to Integrated Care.
Focus of the month
Integrated Care
Happening across Europe at a glance
Other news
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
- The European Health Forum Gastein Award 2018
- Check out the video - Global Impact in Radiotherapy in Oncology
- World Health Organisation (WHO) kicks off global initiative to treat children with cancer
- European cancer research gets £30 million funding support
- Calls for Proposals
A roadmap to outcomes-based cancer care
In partnership with ESTRO, the Integrated Care Alliance (ICA) has recently launched the multi-stakeholder digital health roadmap outlining drivers for integrated care.
“Integrated care is a concept bringing together inputs, delivery,
management and organisation of services related to diagnosis, treatment,
care, rehabilitation and health promotion. Integration is a means to
improve services in relation to access, quality, user satisfaction and
-World Health Organisation (WHO)
Encompassing clinical, social and technical challenges, integrated care
requires stronger collaboration. ICA outlines that, building dynamic
care models that take into consideration all stakeholders’ objectives
1) Help patients and care providers work as coordinated team
2) Accelerate Clinical Decision making and Decision Support System
3) Support Personalised and Integrated health and social care
4) Increase and manage costs more effectively
In Europe, many services have been created to help citizens, however,
these are separated into different organisational clusters such as
health, social care and delivered by institutions independently without
wider coordination. The proposal for the European Social Fund plus (ESF
+) that merges several existing EU funds, including the EU Health
Programme within a single pillar on “investing in people and social
cohesion,” is currently being reviewed. Meantime the European
Commission’s single digital market initiative underpins that with the
help of technical information systems and technologies care can be
offered in an integrated way.
Models require carefully drafted roadmaps, carried out by sound
political leadership to develop national, regional and local communities
in the promotion of sustainable health, interoperable technologies and
solutions to incentivise lasting impact. The implementation of a
multi-stakeholder pathway leads to better collective care and
coordination, in compliance with national guidelines and context.
Moreover, it emphasises healthy community through increased multi-sector
collaboration and stakeholder engagement, calling for policy makers’
close attention to promote coordinated care, prioritising outcome-based
cancer care to the best benefits of patients.
Happening across Europe at a glance
Check out how Cancer Research supports radiation research in the UK!
>>Launch of the Radiation Research Network (Cancer Research UK RadNet) Read more
Cancer strategy will have major part in the UK NHS spending plans
3 October, prime minister Theresa May announced that that this will be a
central part of the government’s long-term plan for the NHS Read more
Denmark and Norway sign joint drug purchasing agreement
>>On 18 September it was announced by
the Danish ministry that the countries have signed a joint agreement to
conduct joint negotiations on high cost drugs Read more
Europe leads the world in cancer deaths
>>As global cancer deaths are on the rise despite prevention efforts, Europe is first amongst all regions of the world according to WHO Read more
>> Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries Read more
Global Policy Lab: "Decoding Cancer"
>> An initiative launched by industry a
"collaborative journalism" project managed by the EU media outlet
Politico, a series of newsletters staring this October will look at
barriers facing cancer researchers to speed up innovation, piloting in Germany followed by France and Romania in the first series Read more
measurement is seen by many within the oncology community as an
exciting opportunity to have a more patient-centric approach to care,
and to allow healthcare providers to make informed decisions based on
patient current needs and historical research. However, we need to now
move the discussion beyond simple expression of aspiration and into the
practicalities of how. The results of this research exercise provide
excellent advice to decisionmakers about the next steps in the journey
towards comprehensive outcomes measurement."
Philip Poortmans, President of ECCO, Head of Department of Radiation Oncology at Institut Curie -
Ensemble Hospitalier
Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
3 October, the European Parliament adopted the Environment Public
Health and Food Safety committee (ENVI) report on the Commission’s
proposed EU regulation on (HTA). This is an excellent opportunity to
address the gap and fragmentation of HTA systems across Europe reducing
disparities in the region.
Read more
The European Health Forum Gastein Award 2018
Presented at the European Health Forum Gastein 3-5 October, the European Cancer Patient's Bill of Rights (BoR)
was selected by the jury panel. The initiative was devised specifically
to address cancer inequalities across Europe. It was launched in
the European Parliament, as a catalyst for change, underpinning an equal
partnership between cancer patients and healthcare professionals to
deliver improved outcomes for European citizens.
The Marie Curie Campaign was shortlisted for the award.
Check out the video - Global Impact in Radiotherapy in Oncology
Save one million lives by 2035
GIRO: Global Impact of Radiotherapy in Oncology
World Health Organisation (WHO) kicks off global initiative to treat children with cancer
The WHO will develop a technical package to improve national health systems, providing further support to the radiation oncology community in outlining the gaps in radiotherapy availability and capacity across Europe. Concretely,
WHO will support governments to assess current capacities in cancer
diagnosis and treatment including the availability of medicines and
technologies; set and cost priority cancer diagnosis and treatment
programmes; and integrate childhood cancer into national strategies,
health benefits packages and social insurance schemes. Read more
Related reports from the WHO:
Health systems respond to noncommunicable diseases: time for ambition (2018)
European cancer research gets £30 million funding support
how support lasts during the wake of the BREXIT negotiations, this
initiative aims to show how EU organisations continue collaborations
driving research forward: “to lay the groundwork for a Europe and UK
research pipeline, boosting the life science industry.” Funding comes
from 3 major cancer charities: Cancer Research UK in partnership with two major cancer research charities, the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) Italy and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (FC AECC) Spain, under a 5-year “Accelerator Award” programme.
Read more
If you have any questions please contact Gabriella Axelsson
ESTRO Public Affairs Project Manager gaxelsson@estro.org