This is the monthly newsletter on public affairs sent by ESTRO to national societies
This is the ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter: a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
This issue of the newsletter is dedicated to the ESTRO Radiation Oncology Education and Information System (ROSEIS) workshop being held in Brussels on 26 September 2018.
Focus of the month
ESTRO Radiation Oncology Education and Information System (ROSEIS) Workshop

Other news

  • Increased focus on HealthCare in the EU budget 2021-2027
  • Health recommendations to 12 EU Member States
  • Stay Safe in the Sun!
  • Calls for Proposals



Dear National Societies representatives, dear colleagues, dear friends,

We are delighted to contact you with further information on the ROSEIS system and the workshop scheduled for 26 September 2018 in Brussels.

The ROSEIS website also contains educational material which is being further developed with input from a range of international experts. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the Radiation Oncology Safety and Quality Committee (ROSQC) meeting and some of the experts present will be available as part of the workshop. They will participate in presentations as an introduction to the workshop and how reporting and learning from incidents and near incidents can improve both safety and quality in your clinic. 

We invite you to visit the website and familiarise yourself with the content at

The ultimate aim of ROSEIS is to improve safety in radiotherapy clinics by learning from incidents and near incidents locally and by sharing knowledge, information and experience with the wider radiotherapy community.


  • You will be introduced to the ROSEIS reporting and learning system which can be used as a local system where one does not already exist or as a mechanism to share information with the wider radiotherapy community (all data shared is anonymous).
  • You will gain insight how incidents and near incidents can be recorded and used within the individual clinics to support learning and improving safety locally.
  • You will learn of the benefit from the sharing of safety information with the wider community; to highlight where incidents or near incidents may occur and any actions taken to eliminate them or to mitigate their impact.
  • You will have an opportunity to discuss with international experts active in the field of radiotherapy safety.

This workshop will not only provide you with the information on how to use the platform, but also highlight different cases and hands on experience with the system.

The service will also be offered to institutions to assist in monitoring and improving incident related data and near misses, as well as to improve safety within departments and multidisciplinary teams.

It is therefore, with much pleasure that we invite you to Brussels on 26 September 2018.

On 25 September, accommodation for one night as well as an evening dinner with the members of the ROSQC and international liaison group will be subsidized. To confirm your participation please register here until 31June

We look forward to welcoming you.

With our best regards,
On behalf of the ROSQC group

A patient safety culture is referred to as the employees' shared beliefs, values and attitudes regarding patient safety in an organization, which are reflected in the daily operational clinical practice''

Simons, P. A. M., Houben, R., Vlayen, A., Hellings, J., Pijls-Johannesma, M., Marneffe, W., & Vandijck, D. (2015). Does lean management improve patient safety culture? An extensive evaluation of safety culture in a radiotherapy institute. European Journal of Oncology Nursing.DOI: Health 

Increased focus on HealthCare in the EU budget 2021-2027  

Following the adoption of the new multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021-2027, the European Commission describes investment in healthcare as a strong dimension in the next EU budget, proposing the new European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) programme.

The European Social Funding Plus (ESF+) programme will facilitate synergies with other building blocks od the European Pillar of Social rights”.
Read more about spending and opportunities in Public Health here.

EU Health Programme


Health recommendations to 12 EU Member States

Director General of the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, Xavier Prats Monné covers implications for the Health sector, publishing recommendations for 12 of the Member States on economic policy guidance (over the next 12-18 months). This was presented on 23 May 2018. References are made to include working to ensure health systems are sustainable to strengthening primary care and reducing high out-of-pocket fees faced by EU citizens. Read more about the country-specific recommendations related to health systems here.

This is part of the European Semester Spring package: the European Semester is a cycle of economic, fiscal and social policy coordination in the EU.

Health at a Glance: Europe

Stay Safe in the Sun!  

The Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) launched new Sun Safety recommendations during the European Week against Cancer (EWAC) 25 -31 May. It outlines 9 safety measures to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Check them out here
Calls for Proposals 

Understanding causative mechanisms in co- and multimorbidities   deadline 2 October
"Implementation of best practices to promote health and prevent non-communicable diseases and to reduce health inequalities"  2018 Call Textdeadline 13 September

Previously listed calls

Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatmentdeadline 27 September
Radiation Protection Research - deadline 27 September
Availability and use of research infrastructures for education, training and competence building (Euratom Research and Training Programme)deadline 27 September
Strategy for the exploitation of research results funded under Euratom Research and training Programmes in the field of radiation protection - deadline 27 September

If you have any questions  please contact Gabriella Axelsson
ESTRO Public Affairs Project Manager
Copyright © 2018 ESTRO, All rights reserved.

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