ESTRO Guidelines - a guidelines that were developed under the ESTRO Guidelines Committee (former Advisory Committee for Radiation Oncology Practice (ACROP)
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Dear National Societies, on behalf of the ESTRO Physics Committee, I am pleased to share with you the link to the article Professional practice changes in radiotherapy physics during the COVID-19 pandemicpublished in Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology:
Please do not hesitate to share it with your network.
With kind regards, Valérie Cremades
Membership and Partnerships manager
Pozn.: ESTRO newsletter už nevychádza.
ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter January 2020 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter November 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter October 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO newsletter September 2019 - ESTRO Newsletter #126. Let's find out what happened this summer!. (This new format of the ESTRO Newsletter )
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter July 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO newsletter July-August 2019 - The ESTRO newsletter is a bi-monthly digital publication that covers a wide range of topics.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter June 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter May 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter April 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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The Marie Curie Legacy Campaign, pioneered by the ESTRO Cancer Foundation (ECF) and ESTRO, is a global initiative to raise awareness of the benefits of radiotherapy and optimise the provision of radiotherapy in Europe and beyond.
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ESTRO newsletter Mar-Apr 2019 - The ESTRO newsletter is a bi-monthly digital publication that covers a wide range of topics.
- kompletné číslo v pdf formáte TU | open access to all issues
ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter February 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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The elections for 4 new ESTRO Board members will take place from 25 February to 17 March 2019. The new Board Directors will start their term in April 2019 at ESTRO 38 in Milan.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter January 2019 issue - a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO newsletter Jan-Feb 2019- The ESTRO newsletter is a bi-monthly digital publication that covers a wide range of topics.
- kompletné číslo v pdf formáte TU | open access to all issues
ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter December 2018 issue- a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO 38, the annual congress of ESTRO that will take place 26-30 April 2019 in Milan, Italy.
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ESTRO newsletter Nov-Dec 2018- The ESTRO newsletter is a bi-monthly digital publication that covers a wide range of topics.
- kompletné číslo v pdf formáte TU | open access to all issues
ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter November 2018 issue- a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter October 2018 issue- a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter September 2018 issue- a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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Membership renewal for 2019 is now open- členské poplatky za členstvo v ESTRO pre rok 2019.
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2nd ESTRO Physics Workshop- Science in Development, 26-27 October, 2018, Malaga, Spain
- kompletná informácia TU | STRÁNKA PROJEKTU
"Physics Workshop" & " GEC-ESTRO workshop"- List of upcoming deadlines
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter July 2018 issue- a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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ESTRO newsletter May-June 2018- The ESTRO newsletter is a bi-monthly digital publication that covers a wide range of topics.
- kompletné číslo v pdf formáte TU | open access to all issues
Upcoming Deadlines for Medical Physicists- List of upcoming deadlines
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ESTRO Public Affairs newsletter June 2018 issue- a monitoring service offered by ESTRO to national societies of the radiation oncology area to keep up-to-date with oncopolicy issues.
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